New online data backup service presented by IDrive
1 cent/1 GB/month: new data backup service presented by IDrive.
There's great news for all users seeking a reliable and affordable online service to store their data backups: IDrive.Inc, web-based online backup service provider, has introduced brand new cost-efficient cloud service for online backup called Idrive Nearline.
To compare Nearline backup with similar cloud storage services in the industry, new service can boast of three quite pleasant features: lightning fast access speed (according to IDrive.Inc, you can access previously uploaded data in 1 second!), military-grade 256-bit AES customers' data encryption and client-oriented pricing. As for the last one, the main rate offered to all users is 1 cent for 1GB per month + no fee for info retrieval.
"Our goal was to disrupt the status quo of data archival with a cost-effective, faster solution. By eliminating retrieval fees, and removing the obstacle of time when it comes to accessing files, we're able to offer a nearline backup solution that lets users store data on a budget, without compromising accessibility," comments Raghu Kulkarni, IDrive.Inc, CEO.
Cloud storage services vs removable data storage devices
In spite of the fact that cloud storage grants access to your data backups 24/7 whatever the location, millions of users worldwide still prefer to use various data storage devices like USB flash and external hard drives. The reason is quite simple: a cloud doesn't guarantee customer's info will be available in a couple of years. No doubts, lifespan of a removable data storage device can expire as well. Still, according to ACE Data Recovery real-life experience, in most cases it is possible to get all important files off a failed or dead media holder. As for cloud storage services, data recovery process still needs serious work. In other words, hold your horses and don't throw away your USB flash drive as it may come in handy when you decide to preserve priceless info for years to come.